Company News

Building a Healthier Future: Desert Mobile Medical’s Commitment to You

By |September 4th, 2023|Company News|

Discover how Desert Mobile Medical is dedicated to helping you build a healthier future through accessible, personalized healthcare services. Explore our commitment to your well-being and contact us at (480) 452-0086 or visit our website to embark on your journey towards better health. Health is the foundation of a fulfilling life, and Desert Mobile Medical understands the importance of accessible and personalized healthcare services in building a healthier future. In a world that demands convenience and individualized care, Desert Mobile Medical is committed to [...]

Can Children Become Members of Desert Mobile?

By |July 25th, 2022|Company News|

A house call doctor or concierge physician provides patients with immediate medical advice and care, which is why quite a few parents have begun considering whether their child should have access to a mobile doctor. After all, as a parent, you always want to ensure that your children receive the best medical care and immediate medical care. Desert Mobile Medical is well-known for providing excellent mobile medical service; however, when it comes to treating children, the rules are a bit different. Here is what [...]

Fountain Times Newspaper Chronicles: Desert Mobile Medical Local Physician

By |November 8th, 2019|Company News|

The idea of a physician making a home visit to a patient is being resurrected by doctors such as Dr. Paresh Goel, an internist who founded Desert Mobile Medical PLC in 2018. He is expanding his concierge form of health care within a 40-mile radius of his office, 10255 E. Via Linda, Suite 109, Scottsdale. For one monthly membership fee, he will visit patients in their homes or workplace for up to 10 visits a year without a cop-pay. Members have access to labs, [...]

AZ Foothills Magazine Trendsetters Section: Dr Paresh Goel MD

By |November 8th, 2019|Company News|

Age: 46 Title: M.D. and Owner of Desert Mobile Medical Married/Single: divorced (single) Kids: One, my daughter Amara who is 16 months old. City you live in: Scottsdale A typical day in my life includes… balancing home and work life. I get up at 4:30am and am asleep at 11pm. I try to be a great dad to my daughter, as well as the best doctor to my patients. I see patients from 8am-6pm mixed with networking in between patients. Sundays mornings are reserved for my daughter to have [...]

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