As you may know, Arizona’s Governor Doug Ducey has issued a declaration of emergency related to the COVID-19 virus. Many of us have never seen preventative measures like the ones lately put into place across the country, and it’s normal to be concerned. But Doctor Manish J. Patel and Doctor Paresh Goel with Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians are committed to providing the best possible care to their patients during this frightening time.
From the Governor’s official statement on his declaration of emergency:
“There is no greater priority than the health and safety of Arizonans, and today’s efforts are a proactive approach to ensure the state has all the tools necessary to address the global spread of COVID-19,” said Governor Ducey. “While our state is not currently facing the number of cases we’ve seen in some other states, we are anticipating additional positive cases — and we’re not taking any chances. Arizonans should not panic — our approach will be calm and steady. This Emergency Declaration and Executive Order continue our effort to protect public health and save lives.”
The governor is right when he says that Arizonans should not panic. And if you’re a patient of Desert Mobile Medical, you’re already at an advantage.
The Center for Disease Control, on their website, describes COVID-19 as “mild to severe respiratory illness,” sighting symptoms like fever, cough, and shortness of breath. While the spread of COVID-19 is still being investigated and while our understanding of it continues to evolve and clarify, at the time of this writing the CDC described transmission on their website this way:
“Person-to-person spread
The virus is thought to spread mainly from person to person.
Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.
Can someone spread the virus without being sick?
People are thought to be most contagious when they are most symptomatic (the sickest).
Some spread might be possible before people show symptoms; there have been reports of this occurring with this new coronavirus, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.
Spread from contact with contaminated surfaces or objects
It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.
How easily the virus spreads
How easily a virus spreads from person to person can vary. Some viruses are highly contagious (spread easily), like measles, while other viruses do not spread as easily. Another factor is whether the spread is sustained, spreading continually without stopping.
The virus that causes COVID-19 seems to be spreading easily and sustainably in the community (“community spread”) in some affected geographic areas. Community spread means people have been infected with the virus in an area, including some who are not sure how or where they became infected.”
With this kind of person-to-person and contaminated surface contact transmission, the last thing you’d want to do is go sit in a waiting room at a hospital, general practitioner’s office, emergency room, or urgent care center among all the other people seeking medical attention for their symptoms. Many cities and towns are recommending that people stay in their homes as much as possible and minimize attendance at major events like conferences and conventions. But it’s not just the large events that pose risk. It is also advisable to stay away from heavy-traffic public transportation systems like buses and trains.
At a time when you’re ill-advised to take public transportation or spend time at hospitals and medical offices, having a doctor who can treat you in your home becomes invaluable.
If you’re not currently a patient of Desert Mobile Medical, you can become one! We are currently accepting new patients.
There is nothing like the experience of medical concierge services in the comfort of your own space. With a mobile doctor on call to provide you with fast and reliable healthcare at home, you can focus on healing and achieving your wellness goals.
You are a person, that human touch will always be delivered straight to you. When you are ready to make the change to concierge medicine, choosing the best local physician will give you access to a full suite of services. At Desert Mobile Medical, we believe in affordable medical care for all. Have trouble getting in to see your Primary Care Physician? How about the quality of time spent with him/her? Are co-pays and deductibles bogging you down? At Desert Mobile Medical, you can forget about all the pitfalls associated with traditional insurance-based medical practices and migrate to the future of healthcare with a family doctor you can trust.
At Desert Mobile Medical, we offer home-based visits at your convenience where we commonly have same or next-day visits available. We spend the time to get to know you and never make you feel rushed. We are also able to offer wholesale medications and lab services to make it even more affordable. Desert Mobile Medical, it’s Healthcare Built Around YOU!
-Primary Care Services
-House Call Doctor Visits
-Mobile Lab Tests
-Mobile Diagnostic Imaging Services
-Prescriptions & Medications
-Hormone Replacement Therapy
…And so much more!
To experience the personalized and unhurried care of a concierge doctor for yourself, schedule an appointment with Desert Mobile Medical to see if we are a great fit for you!
Did you know 90% of health issues can be solved with Direct Primary Care?
Desert Mobile Medical is ‘Healthcare Built Around You’ meaning we are convenient (since we come to your home), we are flexible (we typically accommodate for same day or next day appointments), and affordable and private (we take out the middleman, health insurance, to give you quality healthcare with no hidden costs or impossibly complicated invoices).
Overall, one of the biggest benefits is saving on lost time. Not only the lost time of driving and then waiting at the doctor’s office, but also because we give you the time needed so we can make sure you have the best care resulting in a more effective you.
COVID-19, Businesses, and Employees
COVID-19 is also having an effect on businesses and productivity across Arizona and the country. Desert Mobile Medical can help here, too, because we have a special package for businesses that offer in-home medical care to their employees, and which saves businesses more than 35-65% on their healthcare expenses. This package also provides better, more personalized care, increasing employee health and loyalty.
Keep Your Employees & Attract New Ones
Health benefits are the #1 benefits employees look for when looking for a new job and the main tool for retaining high-quality employees.
Save Your Business Money
Small businesses spend an average of $3000 per year per employee on healthcare costs. With Desert Mobile Medical, our affordable and convenient membership packages can save businesses over $2000 per employee.
No co-pays. No deductibles. A house call doctor will come to you which reduces worker’s compensation cases, fewer hospitalizations, and fewer urgent care visits.
Typically 90% of issues can be solved with direct primary care yet most businesses are paying huge fees for their healthcare. With our system, we can cut most of those costs out, and get better care for your people from the comfort of their homes. Our fiscal year just ended and our hospitalization rates for 2019 were 3.0%, our urgent care visits, and our worker’s comp cases were 0%.
This means more productive, happy, loyal employees. If you could offer your employees a much better health care solution at a significant reduction of cost to your business, would you?
Services Offered
Desert Mobile Medical provides a full suite of the most important mobile doctor services to support your vibrant good health, including:
Direct Primary Care
Direct Primary Care Physicians who make house calls, Dr. Paresh Goel, MD, and Dr. Manish J. Patel, MD build strong relationships with a limited number of patients.
Working with your mobile doctor, you can discuss a vaccination plan that provides the right level of protection based on your unique risk factors.
Mobile Lab Tests
With at-home blood draw services and mobile lab services, the most common and routine lab tests can come directly to you.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
As a result of normal aging or other medical conditions, estrogen and testosterone levels may drop or become out of balance. We help restore that imbalance with bio-identical and balanced hormone replacement
Mobile Diagnostic Imaging Services
Medical imaging is essential to the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of conditions.
Prescriptions and Medication
Identifying and prescribing the right medications to promote your optimal health is another way Desert Mobile Medical brings in-home medical care straight to you. Don’t worry about having to drive to a pharmacy because our concierge doctors can bring your medications right to you.
Pricing Model
We’ve structured our model to be able to provide the highest quality of care while still saving our patients money whether they have insurance or not. Over 70% of our patients have health insurance and have still found that we provide better care at a lower cost.
You see, in the 1950’s the rise of for-profit insurance companies emerged and from that point on insurance companies have cared more about profit than patient health. Now the Government and Insurance companies dictate the care you get where the Desert Mobile Medical model allows us to provide you with the care you need. That is why we are proud to say we do not accept insurance that allows you to get the quality of care you need at a far more affordable cost. In most cases, we can save you money even with insurance.
Our Personal Story
We know that selecting a medical provider you trust is an important process, and we want you to have all the information you need about our medical professionals to become a valued patient of Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians.
Dr. Goel has been in practice since 2010 and is the founder of Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians. He grew up in the New York Metropolitan area and completed his B.S. & M.B.A. in Finance & Economics at St John’s University in NY. He attended his medical school at M.S. Ramaiah Medical College in India and completed both his internship and residency programs at Brookdale University Medical Center in NY. While in residency, he excelled in clinical practice. He is a great listener and has an impeccable bedside manner. Though insurance-based practice kept him with his computer more than his patients. That’s when he realized there needed to be a better method of healthcare delivery to his patients, and he was inspired to create Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians, which focuses on house calls which allow him to spend the quality of time that his patients so greatly deserve.
Paresh Goel, MD is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. He has worked in Hospital Medicine at the Lake Havasu Regional Medical Center, Banner Thunderbird, and at HonorHealth Shea and Osborn campuses, as well as Banner Baywood and The Heart Institute. He has honed his skills as a Primary Care Physician, Geriatrician, and Internist in private practice & being employed at Geriatric Solutions. He has served as a Hospice Director for Hospice of the Valley in the recent past as well. While working in all these heavily laden health insurance sectors, Dr. Goel realized how much health insurance was taking away from the availability of the physician to the patients and that the doctor was no longer working for the patient, but in reality for a health insurance company or a government entity.
He is currently the Medical Director for Modern Recovery Services & Springboard Recovery, as well as sitting on the board for some non-profit organizations.
Continually striving to provide superior patient care along with the cutting edge, state-of-the-art medical technology, Dr. Goel started Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians in 2018 aiming to provide comfort, convenience, and transparency in a healthcare industry that is stifled with poor customer service and opaqueness. The cornerstone of Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians is the service of house calls.
Dr. Goel provides house calls in much the same way it used to occur before health insurance plans got in the way of the patient-doctor relationship. Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians truly is the throwback of yesteryear when things were just done right the first time.
Dr. Goel is also a National Speaker on Health & Wellness, a published author, and is fond of teaching the up and coming generation of future doctors. He has a wonderfully cute daughter of 2 years of age whom he loves to spend time with. He loves to read up on world history and has a passion for cooking.
Desert Mobile Medical is proud to have another skilled concierge physician on the Team, Dr. Manish J. Patel. Dr. Patel completed medical school in 1995 at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in his hometown of Baltimore, MD. He subsequently moved to Winston-Salem, NC where he spent six years at Wake Forest University further training in Internal Medicine and then Critical Care Medicine and Anesthesia Critical Care. In North Carolina, he worked as an ER Physician as well as an Internist for two years before moving to Arizona in 2001. He was attracted to the opportunity of helping start the first 24-hour in-house physician-covered ICU at Banner University Medical Center Phoenix. In 2005 he was a founding member of Scottsdale Critical Care PC at HonorHealth Osborn that also provides 24-hour in-house physician coverage of the ICU. He served as its President from 2007 until 2013.
Dr. Patel is double boarded by the American Board of Internal Medicine in Internal Medicine and Critical Care Medicine. He has published multiple articles in medical journals and made presentations at international medical conferences in the fields of Critical Care, Anesthesia, and Pulmonary medicine. He enjoys teaching medical students, residents, and nurse practitioners whenever the opportunity arises.
Currently, he practices cutting-edge medicine providing ICU telemedicine for Banner Health facilities throughout Arizona. He is part of the teaching faculty at the Banner University hospitals and has seen the evolution of medicine through technology. He has also seen the changes in medicine that have taken much of the decision-making ability out of doctors’ and patients’ hands and placed it with the insurance carriers. These changes have taken away much of the human interaction and have become unfulfilling for doctors and patients. Seeking to re-establish what he loves about patient care, he has joined Desert Mobile Medical in putting the patient at the center of medicine again.
Through his years of practice in the Phoenix metropolitan area, he has developed an extensive network of top-tier specialists whom he feels privileged to call colleagues and friends. He enjoys an excellent reputation amongst other physicians and patients have often complimented him on his bedside manner and extensive knowledge base. He is active in his community and has three wonderful children. He enjoys golf, is an avid reader, and enjoys the challenge of cooking gourmet dishes.
COVID-19 Isn’t the Only Virus Going Around
One thing to recognize at a time like this, while we’re learning more about Coronavirus every day is that Coronavirus isn’t the only virus to be aware of and to prepare for. Last year, many Americans died of the flu due to complications like pneumonia, heart attack, and stroke. Currently, many experts are urging all Americans to get vaccinated, because most problems that occurred were due to a bad strain of flu which can cause the complications mentioned previously. It is recommended that anyone older than the age of 6 months should get a flu shot at least once per year. Getting a flu shot is now easier than ever, especially because a house call doctor Scottsdale-based service can provide you and your family with the flu shots you need in the comfort and safety of your own home.
What Are The Benefits Of A Flu Shot?
A flu shot is your best option to avoid contracting the flu, as well as avoiding other complications such as pneumonia, heart attack, stroke, and other problems the flu can cause. Receiving a flu shot can help you avoid hospitalization due to the flu regardless of age. Currently, a flu shot is the best method to protect yourself and your loved ones from influenza, because the annual flu shot protects you from up to four different strains of the influenza virus. A flu shot is a preventive measure that will benefit the health of you and your family.
How Effective Is A Flu Shot?
Receiving a flu shot has been estimated to reduce the risk of having to go to the doctor due to flu by 40 to 60 percent. Currently, the flu vaccine is preventing tens of thousands of hospitalizations per year, as well as saving the lives of many children, and protecting women during and after pregnancy. The flu can be particularly dangerous for people with chronic health conditions such as heart disease or respiratory problems, so it is an excellent idea to get your flu shot to avoid any further complications. Even though people could still get sick with flu after a flu shot, many studies have determined that the complications of the flu are severely reduced for those who have been vaccinated.
A flu shot is an excellent idea and recommendation, but make sure you always ask your general healthcare provider whether getting a flu shot is good for you specifically. Before receiving any vaccine, you must properly confirm with your doctor, so he or she can verify if there is any possibility of existing medical conditions, age, or other problems that could be affected by the vaccine. Regardless, it is recommended that people older than 6 months are vaccinated yearly, so they can avoid many problems and complications that the flu can cause. Many of the general population think of the flu as an upset stomach and hot and cold spells, but the reality is that the flu can cause major complications, like pneumonia and heart attacks which can be fatal.
When it comes to getting professional medical healthcare in the comfort of your home, Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians is the house call doctor you’ve been searching for. They can assist you with a wide variety of medical services such as primary care, mobile lab tests, diagnostics, and vaccinations at an affordable rate as they take out the middleman (Health Insurance) to deliver you high-quality services at an affordable rate in the convenience of your own home.
If you feel you may be showing signs or symptoms of Coronavirus or other flu-like symptoms, call the concierge physicians at Desert Mobile Medical to provide you with quality in-home care for you and your family.
Check on At-Risk Loved Ones, But Take Care of Yourself, Too
Self-care is one of the most important aspects of life. Your health does not only affect you but can also affect your family and loved ones. Having control over your health and having a dedicated House Call Doctor means more time to spend with loved ones and to live your best life.
House call doctors come highly recommended. The concierge physicians at Desert Mobile Medical are available to schedule appointments on the same day, the next day, and even on weekends. And house call doctors are highly beneficial even when viral contagion is less prominent.
A big difference that has been noticed with house call doctors is that they provide a more customer-friendly service in comparison to the services that a normal family doctor provides. With typical family doctors, there is not an intermediary between the doctor and you. The doctor is working for the insurance company, not for you. That means the customer service you get might not be great.
Desert Mobile Medical – House Call Physicians
Desert Mobile Medical is a House Calls practice. We are 100% mobile, meaning a house call doctor will come to you, either to your home or to your office! You no longer have to wait in a doctor’s office to get the best care you deserve. Currently serving the Greater Phoenix Metro Valley Area. Insurance is not required to join our medical practice. We cut out the middleman (Health Insurance), so that we may dedicate all of our time to YOU, the patient. You receive the best-in-class medical care that there is to offer for you and your loved ones. If you have questions regarding our services, we would be happy to discuss them. Call (480) 452-0086 today!